
Homeward Bound

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SummaryAbout James Fenimore Cooper
Title: Homeward Bound
Author: James Fenimore Cooper
Published: 1838
Genre: Adventure

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"Homeward Bound" by James Fenimore Cooper is a book in the Adventure genre, first published 1838.

James Fenimore CooperJames Fenimore Cooper was born on 15th September 1789 in New Jersey, U.S.A. After a stint in the navy and time as a dilletante, it is said that he wrote his first novel on a dare from his wife. That dare that brought readers the "Leatherstocking Tales" including "Last of the Mohicans" for which he is best known. Accounted as the greatest US novelist, his works have been filmed several times. He died on 14th September 1851 in New York.

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