
The Doctor’s Daughter

Title: The Doctor's Daughter
Published: 1885

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"The Doctor's Daughter" by is a novel in the genre, first published 1885.

Vera, sometimes registered as S. Vera, is a pseudonym used by the author os several books, including 'The Doctor's Daughter' and 'Honor Edgeworth'.

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Five-and-thirty years ago, before many of my fair young readers were inflicted with the burdens of life, there came into this great world, under the most ordinary and unpretending circumstances, a helpless little baby girl: a dear, chubby, little thing, who at that moment, if never afterwards in the long and intricate course of her mortal career, looked every jot as interesting and as promising of a possible extraordinary destiny as did the little being who, some years before that, opened her eyes for the first time upon the elegant surroundings of a chamber in Kensington Palace; and neither the Princess Louise of Sachsen-Koburg, nor Edward the Duke of Kent, were any more elated or gratified over the grand event which came into their lives on the twenty-fourth of May, in the year of Our Lord 1819, than Amey and Alfred Hampden were on the eighth of December, 185-, at the advent of this little stranger into their humble home.

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